2008 archive

Kanokon, Episode 02

As I mentioned earlier, Kanokon is the second of two anime premiering this season that I intend to keep track of on a week-to-week basis. Kanokon doesn’t have anything close to the deep storyline or explosive popularity of Code Geass… but the ecchi is fantastic. I love ecchi – love love it – and Kanokon …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/15/kanokon-episode-02/

Code Geass R2, Episode 02

I’ve been looking forward to this week’s episode of Code Geass R2 all week long, and I’ve been looking forward to blogging it since Taishou’s creation. Geass R2 is one of two anime premiering this season that I plan to keep track of from week to week.

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/13/code-geass-r2-episode-02/

Sakura Matsuri

Well, it didn’t take long for things to get exciting around here. Yesterday I took a trip to Washington, D.C. with everyone from CAINE to celebrate the Sakura Matsuri (the National Cherry Blossom Festival for those who don’t Moonspeak). I’d never actually been in D.C. for Sakura Matsuri before, so I was of course excited …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/13/sakura-matsuri/

Taishou plus Power of Dream

On Friday, Citrus finally decided to officially join the Imperium Project Dev Team. I think the 2 pictures I will post below were the factors that finally convinced him to take the plunge. In celebration we got together to do some planning on the as-of-then defunct third heroine path. In addition, I set up a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/13/taishou-plus-power-of-dream/

Speech Delivery


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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/08/speech-delivery/

Rika Version 2.0

After the general disapproval of version 1, Zanaikin felt the need to draw his version of how he imagined Rika to look like and posted it on his blog last Thursday. While waiting for him to come to Olsson for our usual meeting, I set up the equipment and decided to get working on my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/03/rika-version-20/

Rosario to Vampire

The Winter 2008 season is coming to a wrap now though it is hard to make a solid conclusion about it given the fact that I have fallen behind on several series like is often the case with me. Anyways, I had no real reason to watch Rosario to Vampire other than that m.3.3.w., one …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/03/rosario-to-vampire/

Key’s Rewrite: Confirmed!?

It’s April 2nd in Japan now so I went to 鍵っ子ブログ(Key Blog) to check for updates regarding Rewrite. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Key but it seems that in fact the Rewrite announcement was indeed serious. However, the skeptical ones might believe that the announcement of the game itself could be real while …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/04/01/keys-rewrite-confirmed/


Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/03/31/key-new-work-announcement-rewrite/


みなさん、こんにちは。 今週の日本語じゅぎょうのトピっくは自分のけいけんについてだから日本に住んでいた時について書く。えい語でもう書いたけど今も書く。子どもの時に父はアメリカのかいぐんにつとめていたから、父母と日本のさせぼに行った。ぼくは二さいから六さいまでそこに住んでいた。そこでアメリカ人がたくさんいたからぼくはえい語を学んだけど日本語を勉強しなかった。でも母はちょっとならったからいつも母と一緒に日本のみせやしょうてんがいに行きたかったよ。いつまでもさかなを食べるのが好きだったら、みせの中でさかなやが一ばん好きだった。でもしょうてんがいでラーメンやに食べに行ったり買い物をしたりした。時々新しいおもちゃももらった。その時はとてもたのしいだけど十四年前、日本に出てアメリカに来た。 だからしょうらい、日本語202の後で日本に帰ってりゅう学したりコスプレけいいんしょくてんに行ったりしたいよwww。 かいぐん=NAVY しょうてんがい=SHOPPING STREET コスプレけいいんしょくてん=COSPLAY RESTAURANT

Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/03/28/experiences/