In two days it will be one year since I’ve started doing Yuri on the Chalkboard on a weekly basis. In all technicality the very first drawing was actually done sometime in the middle of the spring prior. Unfortunately the only picture of “Week 0” as I like to call it exists on Citrus’s cell phone. As such I thought it would be highly appropriate to recreate the original Yuri on the Chalkboard this week. With this drawing I’ve finally collected the one photo that has escaped the clutches of this blog. Original image below:

Unfortunately there won’t be any Yuri Chalk next week since University will be on break for a few days. For now here’s to to another year of intimate female relationships depicted upon the calcium carbonate covered teaching device.
aww, happy anniversary, Honya!
Hey, Kannazuki no Miko pose!
Thank you very much.