It took me a while but I finally decided to do Mai-Otome for this week’s chalkboard yuri. From a technical standpoint it may not be perfect but during its initial airing there was no other show that entertained me as much which is surprising since a lot of my other favorites also aired at the same time. It still stands as one of my favorite series ever and at the time was the inspiration for some of my own original Otome design drawings. I remember staying up late for the two part finale which was an amazing amount of fun since it had basically everything I wanted.
Original screencap from the episode preview for episode 6 that was the basis of this week’s drawing:
Sunrise, I’m still waiting for my next Mai series!!
I wish I could have been there for Gunbuster… but my stomach was all like RAWR and I had to stay home.
.-= eckstee´s last blog ..My computer… again =-.
Episode 6 is ultra-hot.
“Minha putinha volta prá vara amanhã”