Merry Christmas from Aya!!


I hope everyone had a good holiday. Today I wanted to do some work on my kinetic novel which is currently going by the working title ATCG and somehow I ended up doing another Christmas drawing this year. This is Aya, one of the main characters in ATCG and also one of my favorites. She is quite smart but often skips school due to severe social anxiety that she developed after being subjected to horrible trauma as a child. She only has one close friend at the beginning of the story but eventually she starts to make more. Because of her habit of ditching school and for other reasons she is referred to as “Hikikomori Princess” by her eventual friend Tsugumi (though they get into a massive fist fight at school and both get suspended before that happens). Aya also has a certain supernatural ability that directly and indirectly effects all parts of the story. I’ll keep it secret for now but I hope I can share it eventually. Now time to get back to work on it.

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    • Shance on December 26, 2009 at 11:38 am

    Merry Christmas to you too.
    .-= Shance´s last blog ..The Christmas Day of the Impoverished Otaku =-.

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