Finally here is K-ON 2’s ending song Listen!! I really love the ending video and everyone’s costumes. I don’t even know how many times I’ve listened to this song anymore. Anyway translations for the opening song GO! GO! MANIAC coming later today. For now just Listen!!
It’s deep deep Kokoro no okufukaku
Nan ni mo hibikanakatta SANKUCHUARI ni
heat heat Higatsuichatta kara modorenai
It’s shock shock Shougeki hasshin shite
Dokomademo Nee issho ni ikou yo tte
rock rock Oto no arashi Tsunami Sasoiau
Otoshita PIKKU Oreta SUTIKKU
Zenzen mondai nai
Onaji SAUNDO no naka ni iru Sore ga jitsu ha kiseki
We’ll sing Utau yo Kanjiru Sono mama
Donna ni chiisakute mo Sekai de hitotsu no uta
Kyou shinde mo kuyamanai tte kurai
Zenryoku de ikitai n da
Hanate passionate
Watashi tachi no, Kore ga PRECIOUS Heart Beat
Utau yo
Non sweet sweet Amai kotoba yori
Honne ga kokochi ii desho Touch of mind Sou
wit wit Kikasete tanoshiku ne Zutto itsumo
Non stop stop Umareru omoi ha
Hikari yori saki wo isoideru kara
rock rock Oto de tsukamaete Tsutaenakya
Zenbu Souteinai
Onaji yume eranderu Sore ga asu he no PAWAA
We’ll shout Sakebu yo away na SUTEEJI demo
Donna ni kowakute mo Hitorikiri ja nai kara
Mikansei datte kamawanai
Honki kanadetai n da
Todoke truthfulness
Yatto aeta ne, Kore ga TREASURE Heart Beat
We want to know…to live…to love
Kazoekirenai inori
Koe ni shite Hane ni shite Can Fly High
We’ll sing Utau yo Kanjiru Sono mama
Donna ni chiisakute mo Sekai de hitotsu no uta
Kyou shinde mo kuyamanai tte kurai
Zenryoku de ikitai n da
Hanate passionate
Watashi tachi no, Kore ga PRECIOUS Heart Beat
Utau yo TREASURE Heart Beat
English Translation
It’s deep, deep inside my heart
In a sanctuary where nothing resonated
Heat, heat! It’s on fire so I can’t turn back
It’s a shock, shock that I’ll send you
Saying, “Hey, let’s go everywhere together”
Rock, rock! The sound of storms and tsunami tempt each other
A dropped pick, a broken stick
It’s not a problem at all
We’re in the same sound, that’s actually a miracle
We’ll sing for how long we feel
No matter how quiet, this is the only song in the world
Even if I die today don’t mourn
I want to live my life to the fullest
Release! Passionate
This is our Precious Heartbeat
We’ll sing!
Non sweet, sweet! More than sweet words
Your true intentions feel better, right? That’s a touch of mind
Wit, wit! It’s fun to sing forever and always
Non stop, stop! Because my new feelings
Are hurrying from the light
Rock, rock! I need to catch them with sounds and tell you
A running rhythm, a crazed tuning
It’s all in my assumptions
Choosing the same dream, that’s the power for tomorrow
We’ll shout it out loud even on a far off stage
Because no matter how scared we are, we’re not alone
It doesn’t matter if it’s unfinished
I want to play seriously
Reach! Truthfulness
Finally we could meet, this is our Treasured Heartbeat
We want to know…to live…to love
Make the countless prayers heard,
Turn them into wings so that they can fly high
We’ll sing for how long we feel
No matter how quiet, this is the only song in the world
Even if I die today don’t mourn
I want to live my life to the fullest
Release! Passionate
This is our Precious Heartbeat
We’ll sing! Treasure Heartbeat
It’s deep deep 心の奥深く
heat heat 火がついちゃったから戻れない
It’s shock shock 衝撃発信して
どこまでも ねえ一緒に行こうよって
rock rock 音の嵐 津波 誘い合う
落としたピック 折れたスティック
同じサウンドの中にいる それが実は奇跡
We’ll sing 歌うよ 感じる そのまま
どんなに小さくても 世界でひとつの歌
放て passionate
私たちの、これがPRECIOUS Heart Beat
Non sweet sweet 甘い言葉より
本音が心地いいでしょ Touch of mind そう
wit wit きかせて楽しくね ずっといつも
Non stop stop 生まれる思いは
rock rock 音でつかまえて 伝えなきゃ
走るリズム 狂ったチューニング
同じ夢選んでる それが明日へのパワー
We’ll shout 叫ぶよ awayなステージでも
どんなに怖くても ひとりきりじゃないから
届け truthfulness
やっと逢えたね、これがTREASURE Heart Beat
We want to know・・・to live・・・to love
声にして 羽にして Can Fly High
We’ll sing 歌うよ 感じる そのまま
どんなに小さくても 世界でひとつの歌
放て passionate
私たちの、これがPRECIOUS Heart Beat
歌うよ TREASURE Heart Beat
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Nice translation. One minor note, I think the ‘chiisakute’ in どんなに小さくても refers to how low in volume the song is, instead of size here.
.-= Atashi´s last blog ..Angel Beats! Insert Song – Alchemy =-.
Thank you. I took you’re advice and changed it from small to quiet.
I really appreciate your work and really look up to you!
Oh hai, just wanted to thank you for translating the song. Lovely blog you have.
so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!><
i love k-on very much
well!!!!!!! i should say ilove anime very much
thanks a lot for awesome lyrics,..b^^)
i can’t finish LISTEN! for minilyrics without u’r translation..
Gyaaahhhh!!! >.<''
Anyway thanks =w=b
K-ON ROCKS~!! <3
bwahaha. . <3 xD
[…] of kanji + romaji lyrics and English translation: http://honya-ch.com/2010/04/26/lyrics-k-on-ed-listen-ho-kago-tea-time/ […]