Anime SaiMoe Tournament 2008 Preview

[YouTube Link]
Edit: Uploaded the video to my YouTube Channel instead of waiting for someone else to do it

Looks like the promotional MAD for this year’s SaiMoe Tournament is already up. The reason I found out about it so quick was because I was reorganizing my bookmarks and stumbled upon this Japanese blog. This video is not as exciting as last year’s although it is nice to see the top 8 from last time in addition to this year’s competitors.

[YouTube Link]

I hope Nico Nico adds support for blogs other than mixi and Ameba because watching the video on tetoro‘s blog without having to sign in was pretty cool, plus I wouldn’t have to waste time finding the videos on YouTube.

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  1. Hey Honya, don’t vanish from online comm. just cause it’s summer break =P

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