Author's posts

Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori

Once again its seems that I could not help but try to lighten my anime backlog so I ended up having a second Thanksgiving Marathon and watching the rest of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Futakomori is the the follow up to the original Jigoku Shoujo and once again follows Enma Ai and the rest of Jigoku …

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Usually during Thanksgiving, I end up marathoning an anime from start to finish. Two years back, I ended up watching all 52 episodes of Full Moon wo Sagashite in the span of two days. Anyone who knows about this series will tell you that it gets pretty depressing towards the end. Anyways, this year I …

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Culture Presentation Seifuku

Today was my culture presentation so I decided to do Seifuku (制服) or uniforms, specifically school uniforms. I think I left some parts out and my English failed near the end so I am typing a short synopsis. They were introduced in the late 19th century and based on Meiji military dress which was based …

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Top 60 Japanese Buzzwords of 2007

Taken from Pink Tentacle: Publisher Jiyu Kokuminsha has announced this year’s crop of nominees for Japanese buzzword of the year. The wide-ranging selection of 60 words and expressions — many of which come from the worlds of politics, sports and entertainment — were selected based on suggestions from the general public, and they provide an …

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Speech Project Draft 1

私はきょねんブルークポイントこうこうの四ねんせいでした。ブルークポイ ントはバージニアのスタッファードにあります。スタッファードはクアンティコとフレデリックスバーグのあいだです。私はあたまがいい(Smart)学生ですから、こうこうはやさしかったですよ。先生がすきですが、こうこうがすきではありません。クラスはつまらなかったよくですが、アーツのクラスがすきです。だから三ねんぐらいありました。でも四ねん生の時にAP生ぶつ学がありましたから、APアーツがありませんでした。でもたいていAP生ぶつ学でえをかいて、よかったです。コンピューターもアニメもすきです。だから時々コンピューターをつかって、アニメのえをかきました。人といえのえもかきましたが、コンピューターをぜんぜんつかいませんでした。まい日ひまの時にれんしゅうしますから、きれいなえですよね。でも今はあまりひまの時がありま せん。かなしい(Sad)ではありませんね。でもクラスメイトのえをかきましょうか。きれいですよね。

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It seems I have have gone crazy this week and I ended up watching all the anime I was planning to and still had plenty of spare time. So I decided that a change of pace was needed. Of course being being the massive otaku that I am, I went with the obvious choice of …

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Random Anime Thoughts

Fridays are always good days for me since I only have one class, JAPN101. Therefore, Fridays are usually my designated anime watching days (though only in name since I pretty much watch everyday). Anyways, today I ended up watching episode 1 of Prism Ark, episode 6 of Myself; Yourself, episode 5 of Shugo Chara! and …

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High School


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New Blog Features

Although I have been steadily rolling out new additions to my blog, I have not really made any posts about them except when I introduced my two-column layout. So today, I am going to write about these new features (AKA I am taking a break before studying for my ASTR124 exam).

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