Category: Music

Posts about or featuring music

Danketsu iM@S ALL STARS

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I am BIG iM@S fan. Last year as part of a poetry project, I made a video using the footage for the iM@S song Watashi ha Idol while recording my voice and reading a poem to the tune of the song. The second part of the project …

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Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori

Once again its seems that I could not help but try to lighten my anime backlog so I ended up having a second Thanksgiving Marathon and watching the rest of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Futakomori is the the follow up to the original Jigoku Shoujo and once again follows Enma Ai and the rest of Jigoku …

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Usually during Thanksgiving, I end up marathoning an anime from start to finish. Two years back, I ended up watching all 52 episodes of Full Moon wo Sagashite in the span of two days. Anyone who knows about this series will tell you that it gets pretty depressing towards the end. Anyways, this year I …

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Lucky Star Character Songs

It seems that this blog has become a sort of journal for me in addition to its original function as a communication device. Anyways, the second set of Lucky Star Character Songs came out today (by today I mean Tuesday in Japan). I like all of the character songs but my favorite one is probably …

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