Imperium Project Character Drafts: Boys’ Side

It’s been a while since my last art post but I finally finished. I had planned to finish off my work and complete the three remaining heirs but I lost the will to do anything and essentially wasted the rest of my spring break. Unfortunately that laziness followed me back to school so I have been goofing off by catching up on some anime and even reading manga for the first time in maybe half-a-year. Furthermore like I have stated in the past, I am not that good at drawing guys so even when I attempted to be productive and draw, I had nothing to work with. I also had the dilemma that I was the only artist on the team and had a difficult time finding some partners to help me. What is written below will follow the same format as the Girls’ Side post.
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Wednesday’s Mix Class

As anyone who has been following my game-dev project status can guess, I have been particularly busy this week with my deadline last Sunday and my upcoming one this Sunday. Because of that and the fact that I already have my speech draft in Japanese, this week’s Japanese class post will be in English.
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102 Speech Draft 1

ぼくは新しいプロジェクトがあるから、今学きは先学きよりとてもいそがしい。友だちのザンアイキンさんはゲームを作るクラブに入っているから、今PC ゲームを作っている。ザンアイキンさんはぼくはえをかくのがすきを知るから、ぼくに「ゲームをてつだわない?」と聞いた。だからその時からぼくはロールプレイングとビジュアルノベルのゲームの「ザーインペリウアムプロジェクト」のキャラクターデザイナーになった。そのゲームはおもしろいコンセプトだと思うけど、ぼくはたくさんしゅ くだいがあるから、今何かするのがたいへんだよ。まいしゅうザンアイキンさんに会いに行って、ゲームの話を話す。キャラクターのも話す。

Sofiya Avatar Medium

たのしい仕事だと思うから、はる休みにものした。コンピューターで二日ぐらいえを五まいかくけど後で何をかくのを知らないから、はる休みにあと何もかかないよ。その仕事はたいへんでたくさんの時間かかるから、あと一人のがかがいたつもりだった。(*Rest of Paragraph Omitted Due To Request*)


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Deadline: Canan and Sofiya’s Path

I didn’t realize this until the usual game planning meeting last night but apparently there is a deadline today, namely finishing the preliminary description for the last Imperium Heir and the preliminary storyline for Sofiya’s path. Possible spoilers abound so those not on the dev team and planning to play this game may want to avoid reading the second half of this post regarding Sofiya’s path.
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Same Topic

Hello, contrary to what some people maybe thinking, I am not dead yet and will post a “real update” later. For now, I will write this week’s post for class so I will commence Japanese now:

Hinagiku-kaichou and Nagiみなさんこんばんわ。はる休みにあまり休まないから、三月五日から今まで今週何もしてあまりブログエントリーを書かなかったね。本当にごめん。



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Imperium Project Character Drafts: Girls’ Side

So I actually got around to working these past few days and finally finished drawing the female Heirs. I don’t have too much time right now so I will edit this post later with more detailed descriptions of my character sketches and insights into my design process. Thankfully I was able to make the self-imposed March 5 deadline and I think I was able to come up with some pretty good designs overall.
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So this is not one of my usual posts and it barely has anything to do with anime but I thought it would be a somewhat interesting read. However, don’t expect an amazingly well done piece of literature. Last night, I had a hard time falling asleep because I was in deep thought thinking about ideas for The Imperium Project. When I did fall asleep, I woke up a few hours later, got some apple juice and went back to sleep to find one of the few memorable dreams I have had in quite a while.
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Otaku Consumerism

GSC 1/8 Nanoha and ALTER 1/8 Fate

Being perpetually short on money, I have been resisting the urge to buy anything not necessary to my survival but I am finding it increasingly difficult to do so. The last figure I bought was the GOOD SMILE COMPANY 1/8 Takamachi Nanoha to complement my ALTER 1/8 Fate Testarossa. I really like those two but the lack of any new figures is saddening.
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New Domain

As I have mentioned previously, I was bored Monday so I decided to buy my own domain and hosting service. Actually, that was a lie. I have been contemplating purchasing for quite a while and it was only Monday that I finally decided to go for it. Continue reading

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Go Buy Art

今週にあまりブログエントリーを書かなかったのはすみません。月曜日にぼくは新しいネットの名前をかったから、今週にはとてもいそがしいよ。私がまだ作っていなかったページがたくさんあるから、とてもとてもたいへんだよ。だけどぼくはコンピューターをするのがすきな人だから、いいと思うよ。かんせいした「リリカル☆スパーク! 」v.2をたのしみにしてください。


*English version*

*Edit: added someone else*

先週にコロンビア大学OhHenry83さんのブログを読んだ。その人は日本の文明(Civilization)のクラスでアニメのえいがの「パプリカ」を見たと言っていて、とてもおもしろかったと思ったも言っていた。パプリカは今どにそうち(Device)の「DC Mini」があって「DC Mini」をつかっているよくない人についてだ話だ。「DC Mini」でよくない人がほかの(Other)人のゆめ(Dream)に入ってきけん(Dangerous thing)だよ。パプリカのかんとく(Film Director)はこんさとしさまだ。こんさとしさまはいいえいがを作っている人ですから、私もパプリカはとてもおもしろいえいがだと思います。こんさとしさまはパーフェクト・ブルーも千年女優(Millenium Actress)も東京ゴッドファーザーズも作った。

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