Tag: Lyrical Nanoha

4th Lyrical Nanoha Series Debuts as Manga

In the latest issue of Kadokawa’s new magazine Nyantype, the fourth installment in the Nanoha universe has been announced to be published in said magazine. The new story is titled Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force and Takamachi Nanoha is now 25 years old in this series. The first issue will be released on April 30th …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2009/03/06/4th-lyrical-nanoha-series-debuts-as-manga/

Tempting Figures I Shouldn’t Buy

For some reason or another the other day I found myself doing the internet equivalent of window-shopping and once again was entranced by the allure of PVC beauties. I failed to mention it in my Goals for ’09 post but I want to reduce the amount I spend on otaku goods. However any such prospect …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2009/02/05/tempting-figures-i-shouldnt-buy/

Surprise Gift: Alter Unison Vita Arrives!

Just when I had thought I was satisfied with receiving a trap cake and drawing my Marimite yuri chalkboard picture, my birthday got even better when yesterday three of my friends surprised me with something I had given up on getting a while ago—Alter Unison Vita! I know I mentioned that wanted Vita a few …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2009/01/18/surprise-gift-alter-unison-vita-arrives/

Figure Panic!

With the holiday season coming up and the figure companies showing off their newest offerings for next year, now is definitely the time to put down money on preorders – but as excited as I am about all the great new releases, a part of me is in a panic! Although I live above the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/11/19/figure-panic/

Yuri on the Chalkboard Week 1

Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/09/28/yuri-on-the-chalkboard-week-1/

Magical Battle Arena New Demo Video

[Nico Nico Douga Link] Doujin developer fly-system has released a new trailer for their mahou shoujo crossover Magical Battle Arena. Unlike their previous videos which only featured Takamachi Nanoha and Lina Inverse, the new trailer has footage featuring all 8 known characters. I was looking forward to seeing Fate Testarossa and Kinomoto Sakura’s attacks most …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/06/18/magical-battle-arena-new-demo-video/

figma.BP Lelouch Lamperouge

After weeks of waiting, it’s finally here! My Lelouch figma.BP from Max Factory/Banpresto! I don’t usually go out of my way to buy figurines, but when I saw this one on preorder sale at HobbyLink Japan back in February, I knew I had to have it. Being the huge Code Geass fan that I am, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/05/01/figmabp-lelouch-lamperouge/

Otaku Consumerism

Being perpetually short on money, I have been resisting the urge to buy anything not necessary to my survival but I am finding it increasingly difficult to do so. The last figure I bought was the GOOD SMILE COMPANY 1/8 Takamachi Nanoha to complement my ALTER 1/8 Fate Testarossa. I really like those two but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/02/29/otaku-consumerism/

Anime Family

This past Sunday night while trying not to fall asleep finishing my sakubun writing assignment, I did the usual thing for this kind of situation and started lurking on /a/. Luckily, I found a mildly amusing thread in which Anons would post their ideal families if they consisted of anime characters. The amusing and often …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/01/30/anime-family/

50th Post: My Birthday

It seems kind of weird to me but I’ve already made it to my fiftieth post on リリカル☆スパーク! Not bad for something I started as homework for my Japanese 101 class (and continuing on for 102). The big 50 also coincides with my birthday. That’s right, today I am a 19 year old otaku who …

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Permanent link to this article: https://honya-ch.com/2008/01/17/50th-post-my-birthday/