Yesterday was the last day of classes for the semester and I had planned to do some extreme studying for exams but unfortunately, I was checking for new blog updates and discovered that a new demo of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody was out. I expected to only try it for a little bit to see what …
Tag: Touhou
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Feb 07 2008
Alice and Marisa
*Since I never get to do these in my skits, I present my attempt to write romance in Japanese*
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Jan 30 2008
Anime Family
This past Sunday night while trying not to fall asleep finishing my sakubun writing assignment, I did the usual thing for this kind of situation and started lurking on /a/. Luckily, I found a mildly amusing thread in which Anons would post their ideal families if they consisted of anime characters. The amusing and often …
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Jan 25 2008
*school post* みなさんこんにちわ。きのう私がたくさんのページをよみましたから今日のエントリーはちょっとおそいです。このエントリーはじぶんについてでしゅみにもついてです。私はバージニア大学の一年生です。いしゃになりたいですからせんもんは生ぶつ学です。生ぶつ学はえい語で「Biology」といいます。 しゅみがたくさんありますが、一ばんすきなしゅみはアニメです。子どものころ日本にすんでいましたから。今は私のすきなアニメは『クラナド』です。びじゅつもすきですから、いつもアニメのえをかきます。よかったらここにもここにもえを見に行ってください。きれいですか。あとであたらしいいえをアップロードします。たのしみに!ではまたね。 *end post*
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Jan 17 2008
50th Post: My Birthday
It seems kind of weird to me but I’ve already made it to my fiftieth post on リリカル☆スパーク! Not bad for something I started as homework for my Japanese 101 class (and continuing on for 102). The big 50 also coincides with my birthday. That’s right, today I am a 19 year old otaku who …
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Dec 28 2007
Comiket 73
Along with the end of the fall season, winter also brings one of my favorite events of the year. That is of course Comic Market better known as Comike. Comike 73 should be starting in a couple of hours from now so I’ll be watching the intertubes for tons of goodies. Like every other Comike …
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Dec 28 2007
Touhou Kasokusouchi
This New Year’s Eve, IOSYS‘ newest Touhou fan arrangement album, Touhou Kasokusouchi (東方河想狗蒼池) will be released for 1,300円. It will have 13 tracks plus 1 bonus track: 讃えよ我を、祀れ奇跡を きゅうり味のビールを飲めばいいよ! これはキモちのいいけーね Power of dream お賽銭♥ちょうだい 秋撃恋記 U.N.オーエンは彼女ではなかった! 運命狂サディスティック イノチノツラナリ ToKiMoNaTaKaNiMeKaT アリス→デレ ヴワルゲヱム STAY WITH ME FOREVER,SIGNORINA 患部で止まらずそのまま奥まであんああん ~ 最後の優曇華院
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